Subject: Training at home with limited equipment?... READ THIS

My new book, "Time-Volume Training" is done and it is EXACTLY what you need to build muscle and strength with little to no equipment!

This programs to WHATEVER you have available for training equipment...whether it's a couple of old dumbbells, some bands, or even a suitcase full of cat food.

You can learn more about this program here.


I'll be coming back to you tomorrow with a LOT more information and some sample workouts from the book, but I just wanted to make sure and get this out to you right away.

I wasn't kidding yesterday when I said I actually came up with a new version that I had to shoot video for (and add to the book). It was too good to leave out so I had to get it in.

Check out Time-Volume Training here...and definitely let me know if you have any questions about it at all!

This is one of the BEST training methods I've ever come up with and it is absolutely PERFECT for what we're all going through right now.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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