Subject: Training Equipment Review - "The Hammerhead Anchor Gym"

Got a really cool training equipment review for you here today, especially if you're in the market for home gym equipment and have limited space to work with.

It's called the "Hammerhead Anchor Gym". It mounts on a wall and allows you to do a HUGE variety of exercises...bands, tubing, suspension training, stretching...the list goes on.

Very effective piece of equipment with lots of options.

I just posted a full video review of it on my site here.

And just fyi, it's definitely not JUST for home training. If you own a commercial facility, this equipment is very useful for GROUP classes as well.

As you can see in the pic, you can mount mulitple stations and run as many people through training as you have "Hammerhead stations" for them to work with.

Check out my full video review here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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