Subject: Train at home and want a bigger bench press? Use THIS...

This is a very cool technique for building your bench press and developing your chest without needing all the "normal" equipment that you'd usually use for benching. You know, all that crazy stuff like a rack or a spotter to keep you from crushing yourself under the bar ;).

THIS exercise allows you to push yourself hard with a pressing movement without ever having to worry about getting stuck under the barbell, even though you're using a barbell.

The trick is in where you do it, how you do it, and how you load the bar.

This is the PERFECT exercise to use at home for building up your bench press.

And it's also a DEADLY abdominal fact, as good as it is for your chest, it's going to totally blow away pretty much all the other core training you're doing right now.

LOVE this one.

Check it out here....


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