Subject: This is important (near tragedy)...

Just a few short days ago, one of my great friends in
the fitness world, Dr. Kareem Samhouri was rushed
to the hospital in horrible pain. The doctors said he
was within an inch of his life and took him straight in
to emergency surgery!

Now, I've known Kareem for years and he's honestly
one of the nicest, most giving people I've EVER met...
one of my favorite people not only in fitness, but in
"real" life, too...

Anyway, after many hours of extensive (and even
experimental!) surgery, the doctors managed to
stabilize him. However, he’s not out of the woods yet.

You can read the full story about what happened here.

The cause of Kareem's condition remains a mystery.
Even the surgeons were shocked to see such a healthy
man in his prime in this near-death state, literally going
from the picture of health to the edge of death overnight.

Many fitness pros — and friends of Kareem — are
pulling together to help cover his extra medical
expenses and give him the peace of mind to heal,
knowing his family is taken care of while he recovers..
And... you can join in and help us help our friend in a
way that Kareem would want — one that helps YOU
out in the process as well.

So... please, consider taking a moment to check this out.
A huge thank you in advance!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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