Subject: This Gironda-inspired exercise will blow up your biceps big time...

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The regular Body Drag Curl was a favorite of the late, great Vince Gironda for targeting the biceps.

This variation focuses on the eccentric phase of that powerful movement, using more weight than you normally could for it.

To perform the regular Body Drag Curl, instead of curling the bar up and around in an arc in front of you, you basically "drag" the bar up yor body, with your elbows coming up and back behind you. It puts a fantastic contraction on the biceps.

This version is just a very simple adjustment that will allow you to use more weight in the "drag" part.

It's an Eccentric Body Drag Curl...

A Vince Gironda Bicep Exercise Variation -  Eccentric Body Drag Curls Middle


Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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