Subject: The problem with most diets is that they work.

I know that sounds weird... but here's why...

Diets are designed to achieve a caloric deficit. And almost any diet that does that successfully is going to the short term.

The problem happens when you're not on the diet anymore....and you go back to your regular eating habits...the habits which made you need to go on the diet in the first place.

Clearly, the REAL trick is what happens when you're NOT on a can "win the war but lose the peace", so to speak.

That's where THIS cookbook comes in...called the Body Type "Un-Diet".

And you can get an [almost] free copy of it here - just cover a small shipping fee.

The recipes in this cookbook focus on achieving long-term success by changing how you approach your food intake, based on your body type.

After all, we both know that people react differently to different can probably eat things that even members of your own family can't eat without reacting poorly.

We're all the same in a general way in that we all need food to live...but small differences in our body systems mean that not every food is going to be good for every body.

You can learn more about this recipe book here and use it to discover what kind of eating is best for YOUR body type.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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