Subject: The key to your health is in toilet... (what?)

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I know it sounds VERY strange...but it's the truth.

More and more, we're realizing that the "gut" (i.e. your digestive tract, specifically the intestines) is one of the MOST important systems in your body for overall health and wellbeing.

  • It's called a "second brain" because some of the bacteria living there can actually produce neurotransmitter analogs (brain chemicals), just like the ones that affect our mood and thoughts...95% of your "feel good" serotonin is produced in the gut
  • It's critical for a powerful immune system...
  • And it obviously turns food into fuel so you can live... ;)


Now... what happens if your digestive system is NOT functioning optimally?

Unfortunately, this is the case a for a lot of people...maybe including you...

It will affect literally EVERYTHING in your life...

  • You dread going to bathroom...or NOT going to the bathroom
  • Your mood will be down or depressed more than normal
  • You get sick at the drop of a hat
  • Your skin is affected (acne and blemishes are more common)
  • Your memory gets worse


What if there were an EASY way to get your gut operating at peak efficiency again?

There is...

Now, if you're eating well, your gut might be doing just fine and you may not need anything like this (though it's likely you could still benefit from it)...or there might still be issues.

If your diet isn't always what it should be, this is even MORE critical for you.

Because improving your digestive tract health could be as simple as taking a few pills each morning.


I'm not one to rush to the pill bottle to fix everything when something need fixing...

However, there ARE times when you can really benefit from outside assistance.

And that's definitely the case with digestion.

If you don't have the right nutrients present in your system, you need to put them in. And that's where supplementation comes in.

This combination of two targeted supplements can make an INCREDIBLE difference in your digestive system health.

Bottom line, if you've got digestive issues, the solution could be just this simple...and it's absolutely worth checking out.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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