Subject: The key to triceps growth...(this exercise unlocks the door)

In my experience, the key to building big, ugly triceps is a strong focus on the peak stretch position.

It's worked wonders for me.

For triceps, that means arms directly overhead, THEN putting tension on the triceps in that position.

And for my money, there's no better exercise to hit that than the Bodyweight Tricep Extension...if you've tried it, you know what I'm talking about.

That's when I came up with THIS one, that uses two "handle plates" to put your hands in a neutral position.

It has some major advantages over the original...including less elbow stress, greater stretch on the triceps, and no bar to get in the way of your head.

Discover how it works and how to set it up here...(it's awesome).

(Side note, this one is definitely an intermediate to advanced exercise...start with the original version of the exercise done on a solid bar before moving on to this one).

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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