Subject: The key to a strong, tight waist is this...

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This is an awesome, highly-efficient exercise for targeting the deep core muscles very strongly (the obliques and the transversus).

These are the muscles that are truly responsible for tightening up the waist and flattening the stomach, not the six-pack abs.

One of the primary functions of these muscles is anti-rotation...which, to put it simply, is resisting rotation in the torso.

Many exercises you see being done for these muscles involve some form of rotation. In our case, we're going to be using those muscles to FIGHT rotation, keeping the torso exactly as it is.

You can do this one on a bench

Two Dumbbell Bench Anti-Rotations For Deep Core Strength Top

Or you can do it on a Swiss Ball...

Two Dumbbell Ball Anti-Rotations For Deep Core Start

Both versions are extremely effective for targeting those deep core muscles that tighten up the waist and support your torso during heavy lifting.


Want more killer core work like this?

I've got 6 more core movements like this you can try out here.


Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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