Subject: The fat-hungry enzyme that "eats" the fat right off you...

Sounds like some weird science-horror movie, I know...but it's real.

There are specific foods you can eat that contain a fat-digesting enzyme called basically "eats" fat (as in helps your body break down fat).

In fact, you're probably eating some of these foods right just may not be eating them at the right time (hint: they should be eaten at night) or with the right OTHER foods.

Discover more about Lipase-P and the foods that contain it here.

Enzymes just in general are critical to the digestive process in your body and in many other bodily functions, including fat metabolism. And enzymes are exactly what's lacking in most of the SAD (Standard American Diet) eating patterns that many people tend to fall into.

Learn more about these "fatty" fat-digesting foods now...

If you've been stuck in a fat-loss plateau and you don't know why, this could be exactly what you're looking for.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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