Subject: The diet "kick-start" trick that will get your head into "fat loss mode" FAST...

One of the toughest parts about starting a reduced-calorie diet when you've been more "free" with your eating is flipping that switch in your head...

The switch that says "I like eating not very much..."

For some people, that switch can be tough to FIND, much less flip... :)

The problem is...if you don't get your head in the game and flip that switch, in the long run, you're going to fail.

For me, it hasn't been a problem ever since I discovered a quick trick that allows me to flip that switch right over to "diet mode" almost instantly.

In late March of this year, I had bulked up to more than 220 lbs (and about 18% bodyfat)...

...and when I say "bulked" I mean I ate too much for too long and put on some extra padding.

When I went to start dieting, I used this trick to flip the I'm about a month in and I'm down to 206 lbs (shot this pic yesterday).


So what's the trick to flipping that switch?

The trick is in your gut... and I don't mean the fat on your stomach, I mean the bacteria in your digestive tract.

When you eat "freely," (which often includes a lot of sugar and fat), the bacteria in your gut that love that stuff flourish.

So when you try to cut out or reduce that type of food, that gut bacteria that loves it starts to get hungry and die.

And it screams...

It screams in the form of brain chemicals (neurotransmitters)...

...because yes, your gut bacteria actually DOES produce brain chemicals that can affect your mood...

...and your CRAVINGS.

These bacteria literally CAUSE you to crave those types of foods without you even knowing...

...that means it's not your fault you get those cravings.

(Well, other than the fact that you ate that stuff in the first place, of course, so it's sort of your fault).

So to flip the diet switch, you need to change your gut bacteria.


How do you change your gut bacteria?

There are two ways to do it... fast and slow.

The slow way is the "normal" way...

... it means changing what you eat and fighting through those cravings as the gut bacteria that feed on junk food screams and dies.

It's definitely not the fun way or the easy way.

It's also the reason you may find that you relapse within a week or two of starting a new diet.

It takes time for those gut bacteria to die off... that means for that first week or so, they're still fine so you're still fine.

It's when THEY start getting desperate, they tell YOU to get desperate.

The FAST way to avoid all this is to is to burn them down like a forest fire, then put the good stuff back in, like reseeding the ground.

By doing this, you can dramatically improve your gut bacteria in a matter of DAYS and flip that diet switch almost INSTANTLY instead of suffering through 3-4 weeks of cravings.

And THIS simple protocol is how you do it...


Now...what diet am I using to get those results?

A few years back, I came up with a diet plan that actually REQUIRES me to blow it on the weekends.

You know as well as I do that most people blow their diets on the's the #1 cause of diet failure.

You want to be social and go out to dinner with friends or family.

And who wants to be on a diet in your favorite restaurant.

The approach that I take works WITH your weekly schedule, allowing you to be strict during the weekdays and looser on the weekends.

I'm not going to tell you it'll let you to eat whatever you want, whenever you want and still lose weight.

You can't.

But you CAN eat whatever you want on certain days of the week... and actually have it be an ADVANTAGE to you rather than setting you back.

Check out the full diet program here.

In my experience, it's the best eating strategy I've ever found for a sustainable, medium-term fat loss diet, that you can easily do for 4+ months at a time to get to where you want to be.

Learn more about what this approach can do for you here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle


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