Subject: The REAL reason why "one bodypart per day" programs will FAIL you...BIG TIME

For the past few days, I've been talking about training frequency
being one of the KEY factors that you might be missing the
boat on when it comes to building muscle and strength.

What I just realized is that I never really got into WHY, exactly, that is!

And yeah, that's kind of important because without knowing
why it works, you won't get the full picture on how powerful
high-frequency training can be.

So forget all the "Bulgarian" this and "Soviet" that for a minute
and let's talk about how your body responds to training.

1. You apply stress to the muscle, causing some degree of damage.

2. This damage "sets you back."

3. Your body responds by sending resources to repair the
damaged muscle tissue, hopefully bigger and stronger than

4. Then you train again, repeating the cycle.

Simple right?

Here's where it gets interesting and where the two paths
of low-frequency and high-frequency diverge...

With a "standard" low-frequency approach, you hit the muscles
extremely hard in each session. This is the multi-exercise,
multi-set bodybuilding approach, such as the "one bodypart
per day" split, for example.

Basically, you hammer the target muscle into oblivion, requiring
your body to take 3 to 5 days to recover until you hit it again.

And this DOES work (for some people).

However, consider this...every time you hammer your
muscles into the ground, you take a BIG step backwards...

...then it takes time to rebuild back to the baseline level they
were at when you trained them...then it takes even MORE
time to build up bigger and stronger past that baseline.

In the meantime, a lot of things can go wrong that can mess
up the recovery process for that muscle...poor sleep, poor
diet, stress...

...or you hit OTHER muscles hard now forcing recovery
resources to go those muscles instead as the emergency

And this last point is the BIG one you need to pay attention to,
especially if you're a classic "hardgainer" who has issues with

THIS is the reason "one bodypart per day"
programs will FAIL you...


If you're constantly hammering your muscles one after the
other, your body will only rebuild your muscles enough TO
the continuous state of emergency you're
putting it into, not to build up bigger and stronger.

With a low-frequency "hammer it into the ground" approach,
your body has to deal with a series of CURRENT emergencies...
it's constantly putting out big fires and it's never got time to build
a stronger building before the next fire comes up.

The people who make progress on this type of program have
enough recovery resources available to deal with the
emergencies and move beyond...or they leave enough TIME
in between sessions to allow for enough recovery.

Possible? Absolutely. Ideal? I don't think so...

Now let's turn to high-frequency training...

If you were watching an informerical, here is where the screen
would turn from grey and black to bright, shiny colors... ;)

With high-frequency training, you're hitting your muscles with
less training volume per're lighting smaller fires,

It's much easier for your body to put out these fires, bringing
things back to baseline levels then moving a bit beyond.

Granted, you're not taking as big of steps forward as with
the first approach, but you're also not taking as big of steps

This leaves more time and resources for your body to move
a bit beyond.

So even though you may be taking smaller steps
forward, you're taking them a lot more frequently and
without beating your body down on a constant basis.

You will feel more energetic, your recovery will be better, you
won't DREAD going to the gym for marathon training session
and your target muscles will feel FRESHER and STRONGER
when you hit them again.

If you've been used to training sessions where you're hitting
a single muscle group for 45 minutes to an hour each time,
you will feel like you're doing hardly anything in each session.
It'll be weird...and you'll feel like you want to do more.

THAT is exactly the feeling we're looking for...

Because you're going to come back to the gym the next day
EAGER to do more.

Now, iIf you want to learn more about high-frequency training
and how you can use it to build muscle, strength and density
in your physique, I HIGHLY recommend checking out my friend
and colleague, Rusty Moore's new program "Visual Impact
Frequency Training

I've made it no secret that I'm a big fan of high-frequency work.
I think it's one of the real keys to building muscle strength that
so many people and a concept man people struggle with.

Rusty's done a phenomenal job putting this program together...
it's absolutely doable and extremely effective. Definitely worth
picking up a copy.

And just so you know up front, TODAY is the last day you'll be
able to pick it up on sale during launch this week.

The sale price goes away at midnight TONIGHT.

Check it out here...high-frequency training could really be the
key to the growth and strength that you're looking for.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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