Subject: The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard new book!

Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News


If you're a fan of arm training, I think you're going to like

I've finally finished my new book! It's called "The Best Arm
Exercises You've Never Heard Of" and it is literally PACKED with
cool new arm exercises.

I'm really excited about it - this stuff is off the charts!


Got no patience? Click here to check it out now:


Check some of these out:


A bodyweight exercise for your biceps that LOOKS like a chin-up
but uses a special "bracing" technique to put almost ALL your
bodyweight directly onto your BICEPS. Imagine the growth you'll
get with THAT much resistance going directly onto your bi's!


A breakthrough in tricep contractions, this exercise targets the
most anatomically-possible contracted position of the muscle with
extremely heavy weights. Get ready for it because I guarantee
you've never felt a tricep contraction this hard in your entire


Doing the Barbell Curl with only one arm tests your strength,
balance, coordination and determination. It can be extremely
difficult to do but the results are totally worth it. Not only
does it increase muscle activation in the biceps, it gives your
grip a tremendous workout as well!


Setup time is an sometimes an issue when you're training. This
great tricep exercise is a mash-up between close-grip push-ups
and bodyweight tricep extensions. The key is how you do them in a
rack to basically spring-load the tension onto your tri's. Very
quick to do but brutal!


This unique version of the wrist curl adds a new dimension of
tension...instead of just doing a plain old wrist curl, you'll
also be supporting your bodyweight on your forearms to increase
the tension. This position also gives you natural "occlusion
training" (which is basically limiting the blood flow out of a
muscle while training in order to increase hormonal growth
factors in the area). If you're ever had trouble building
forearms, this exercise might just hold the key for you...

So here's the deal...

I've just released this book and right now it's only $29.95 for
the full 68-exercise book. This is just DIRT CHEAP for the sheer
volume of innovative exercises you'll find in it. Exercise
descriptions, pictures, even an entire VIDEO LIBARY that you'll
have full access to so you know exactly how to perform every

If you've got access to free weight and bodyweight and a few
basic pieces of equipment, you'll be able to use the VAST
majority of these exercises.

But here's the thing...I'm only keeping it at this price until
Friday, Sept. 25th at midnight. Then it goes up to the regular
price of $49.95. So if you want to get these exercises for
cheap, you've gotta jump on this.

Here's the cool thing...I've posted FIVE exercises taken
directly from the book right on the site for you read to and try
out RIGHT NOW. No need to sign up for anything - just go the
site and learn 'em.

Go check it out here:



P.S. When you get to the site and poke around the sample
exercises, you'll notice I've got a sign-up box where you can
actually get three ADDITIONAL exercises. Definitely sign up for
this - I'm also going to be sending out even MORE sample
exercises to the people who do.