Subject: The BEST glute-building exercise I've ever found...

This one is just awesome.

  • It only requires a bench and a pair of dumbbells.

  • It's a key exercise that helped me build my deadlift up to 600 lbs.

  • It puts dual-tension on the glutes...putting them into an isometric stretch position WHILE they're also working to extend the hip (you'll see what I mean).

  • And it puts almost NO stress on the knees because all the action happens at the hip and glutes.

  • It's great for women AND men.

Check it out here... I call it the One-Legged Glute Deadlift.

(once you see it, be sure to scroll back up the page to see all the other exercises I've got for you).

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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