Subject: The BEST at-home butt exercise you can do...

This exercise is one of the absolute BEST glute-building exercises I have ever done and all you need is a chair of bench to do it.

This exercise works the glute from almost the fullest stretch you can get on them. This position is very effective for building the glutes rapidly.

It combines an effective bodyweight movement with a great stretch at the bottom. This is an almost magical combination that can do wonders for your glutes in a very short period of time.


How to do it:

1. You will need a solid chair or bench for this exercise. This is to increase the useful range of motion of the exercise, which is important for maximizing it's effects. You will also need to have something solid that you can grab onto. This can be a railing or a door frame or a pole, etc. Place the chair/bench immediately in front of this solid object.

2. Stand on the chair on one leg facing the solid object and hold onto it at about waist or abdomen level directly in front of you (after a few reps, you will get a feel for where to place your hands). Your heel should be close to the back edge of the chair.

3. Lower your body as far down as you can go into a one-legged squat. Your other leg will drop down below the level of the chair seat behind you. You should feel a great stretch in your glute. Make sure you continue to keep a firm grip on whatever you are holding on to.

4. Push yourself back up using your glute as much as possible. This is most easily accomplished by focusing on pushing with your heel. Also, you can stick your butt out while pushing back up to really maximize the effect. This simple idea of sticking your butt out as you come up is almost magical with how well it works.

5. Use your grip on the solid object only as much as is necessary to keep the movement going. If you pull too much with your arms, you will take tension off the glutes and legs and defeat the purpose of the exercise.

Perform all your reps on one leg, then switch to the other leg.



Using a Towel:

This version is performed almost exactly the same as above...the difference here is that instead of holding onto the solid object directly, you'll be holding the ends of a towel.

Why a towel? The benefit of using the towel is that it moves up and down with your body, giving you a more natural pivot point to grip onto while also removing some of your tendency to use your hands to pull yourself up.

It also allows you to sit back more on the heel while doing the exercise, which helps activate the glutes more effectively.



Now the other leg.




Adding Resistance:

If you get can more than 15 reps with this exercise, you can add resistance, holding a dumbbell or other weighted object in one hand.

This version is performed exactly the same as the bodyweight version only, of course, you're holding onto a dumbbell to get more resistance!


Daily Specialization To Build Your Butt FAST

One of the very best ways to utilize this exercise is by doing what I call Daily Specialization.

You can read the full article on that method here.

Essentially, you'll do one set of this exercise every single morning and every single evening. That one set means both legs, FYI.

Push each set hard...not to full failure but to the point where you're getting very close to failure.

Do as many reps as you can each time and do this every single day, morning and night.

As your body gets used to the frequency and volume, you will start seeing dramatic results in your glute shape and size.


More Butt Training Programs For You To Try

If you're looking for more butt workouts, I've got a few good program recommendations for you to choose from!

1. The 14 Day Perfect Booty Program

2. Unlock Your Glutes

3. Bikini Body Workouts



Got one last thing for you...I sent this out yesterday but wanted to be sure you saw it as well.

Where to get resuable, machine-washable face masks...

This is actually really cool.

One of the companies I work with that actually makes compression sleeves for knees, elbows and thighs has converted some of their operations to making face masks.

Just to be clear, these aren't N95 masks, but they are MUCH better than making your own out of an old bandana. They're snug, form fitting, strapped, and actually have a filter on them.

Key features include:

  • Reusable
  • Machine Wash and Machine Dry
  • Replaceable Filters
  • Comfortable
  • Breathe Easily
  • Petroleum-free and latex-free

You can get yours here. They are in stock and shipping.


IMPORTANT NOTE before you purchase...

These masks are eligible for my Fitness Buyers Group cash-back program...meaning when you buy one or more of these masks, you can get 5-10% cash back (depending on whether you have a basic or gold membership).

In order to get cash back on your masks...

1. Go here and sign up for the Fitness Buyers Group (basic membership is free),

2. Make your mask purchase through this link.

That's it!

I've got 130+ stores in the program already, with a lot more on the way...this is like Rakuten specifically for fitness equipment and supplements.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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