Subject: The #1 most overrated supplement...(that you're probably taking right now!)

Now don't get me wrong...I'm not anti-supplement...

However, supplements are often used in desperate attempt
to wallpaper over an ineffective training or nutrition plan.

And I'll tell you right up front...wallpaper ain't load bearing...

You're not going to build a big, strong "muscle house" with layers
and layers of wallpaper. You need thick beams and concrete.

So now that I've completely confused you, I've got an article here
from Hugo Rivera about what the REAL purpose should be for
your supplement regimen...and it's a a subject that he
covers in great detail in his Body Re-Engineering System.

And it'll help you understand my anaolgy ;)...

The #1 Most Overrated Bodybuilding and Fitness Supplement

A mistake that a lot of bodybuilding, fitness and figure
competitors make (as well as many fitness enthusiasts and people
looking to lose weight) is thinking that protein shakes are the
most important supplement for gaining muscle and/or losing fat.

Many think that without protein shakes there is no way that
significant progress can be made. However, NOTHING could be more
distant from the truth.

FACT: The TRUTH is that protein shakes are a convenient way to meet
your protein requirements. The minimum amount of protein you
should consume on a daily basis is 1 gram of protein per pound of
lean body mass (or 2.2 grams per kilo of lean body mass) and
protein shakes (in addition to foods like chicken, turkey, and
fish) will help you to meet these requirements.

However, there is nothing magical about these shakes. Advertisers
make a huge deal about protein powders making it look as if you are
doomed to have no muscles if you don’t choose their particular
brand. I am here to tell you that all top athletes rely
on food, first and foremost, in order to get most of their
nutrients and use protein shakes, as what they are intended to be:
a convenient tool designed to meet your increased protein

Just remember that regardless of what many of the ads tell you,
protein shakes do not offer any muscle building benefit, nor
“secret muscle building ingredient”, above and beyond what real
food offers you. Yes, I have read the ads too with all sorts of
speedy muscle building promises but I can assure you through
experience that most of the ingredients advertised as miraculous
have not been proven to work neither by science (even though most
ads of this nature usually talk about research studies that usually
do not exist) nor by actual results at the gym. These products
however have been proven beyond the shadow of any scientific doubt
to shrink the size of your wallet and bank account.

Real Food is the Key To Significant Muscle Mass Gains

I don’t want you to think that I am anti-protein shakes as that is
not the case. What I am against is the belief that some people
have where they think protein shakes are more important than food
as in reality, it is the other way around. Food contains nutrients
that we have not even discovered yet and by experience I can tell
you that anyone who tries to take most of their calories from these
drinks will not experience the same muscle building results as
those who rely on food and consume 3 real meals with a protein
shake in between. In addition, real food has what is called a
“thermic effect”. A “thermic effect” is the impact that real food
has in your metabolism. Because real food requires digestion, your
body burns more calories in processing it; as opposed to shakes
which are already pre-digested.

Personally, these days I do better eating 4-5 real meals with 1-2
shakes a day. Of course, that is not always possible for
everybody, but as long as you get 3 real meals you are on the right


Protein shakes are just supplements to a good diet; they are not
superior to real food in any way. What protein shakes do offer the
bodybuilder and fitness enthusiast is a convenient way to ingest
your protein, thus allowing you to have your five to six meals
every day without having to ingest real food in all of them. In
addition, the best protein shakes in the market offer a protein
blend of different sources of protein, something that introduces
amino acid variety into your bodybuilding diet, thus making your
diet more complete. Be sure to go with a quality blend like this.

Take care and train hard!


————-END OF ARTICLE————–

Just a quick fyi, Hugo has his Body Re-Engineering program on sale
now for $30 off
. You can read all about on his website.

This is an EXCELLENT program, designed to help you build muscle AND
lose literally "re-engineer" your body, so to speak.

This program fits in totally with what I know works...turns out he and
I actually learned from some of the same sources many years back!)

Click here to check out Body Re-Engingeering now...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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