Subject: THE single most important muscle you need to develop...

Without optimizing this muscle, you will NEVER achieve your full potential in muscle size or strength.

It's the muscle between your ears...

(ok, so it's not a muscle, but I think you get the idea).

Everything you do in the gym starts with your brain...and how you USE your brain can be trained and improved.

I'm sure you've had workouts where you just felt cranked and the weights just seemed to fly up. Or you were able to go so deep into the mind-muscle connection that it seemed like you could feel every muscle fiber contracting.

Those workouts are rare.

What if they WEREN'T.

What if you could do that on command...

That's what you're going to learn how to do here.

Tapping into that "brain state" whereby you can achieve peak performance like this is not something that can only happen by accident.

Now, I do want to let you know up front, it's pretty clear one of the guys who put this program together (Jon Anderson), is not a natural trainer. But I also want to let you know that it absolutely does not matter.

I've read through the entire program and the mental "upgrades" you can make with his methods will work regardless.

This is really high-level stuff that you can put to work in just a few don't have to spend weeks and months learning meditation techniques that may or may not work. This works now.

Bottom line, success in the gym comes down to your mindset. Do you coast through you stop the set when it gets accept mediocre results?

Or do you want to learn how to MASTER your mindset and find out what your body can REALLY do...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
training lab every day with one singular experiment
with and deliver science-based, unconventional new training
programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
where other programs fail.

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