Subject: Special Forces Fight Training (Adapted For Civilians)

Now, I know this is quite a bit different than the exercise and training stuff that I normally post, but I thought this was important for you to hear about.

This is about defending your family and yourself when things go bad.

Look, you never know when something bad is going to happen. I know people don't want to think about it but bad things DO happen...and always when you least expect it.

There's no "opening handshake" in a mugging.

Martial arts training can be useful for self-defence...but it has two BIG flaws...there are rules (criminals have no rules) and it generally requires years of practice to become proficient.

What you need is a method of self-defence that is based on movement patterns you already have programmed into your body.

You probably think guys in the special forces get hours and hours of combatives training, right?


The truth is, they learn a very condensed yet deadly effective method of fighting designed so it can be mastered as quickly as humanly possible.

I know this because my friend Todd Lamb is ex-SpecOps and SWAT.

The system he's put together (called First Strike) is based on the Special Forces training he received and how it was designed to follow the kind of patterns your body WANTS to do anyway.

The key is refining those innate movements your body already knows to be effective attacks...and this can be done a lot faster than you think.

If you're curious about this at all, I would HIGHLY recommend you check out his site.

This isn't about fighting...this is about protecting yourself and the ones you love.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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