Subject: Some good, solid fat-loss info for you...on the house ;)

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

So obviously this time of year is "New Years Resolution"
time...and if you go to gym, you are no doubt finding yourself
swamped by a deluge of "resolutioners"...

Been there, seen's like the migrating wildebeast herds of
the Kalahari Desert in Africa only WITHOUT the excessive hair
(though I guess that really depends on what gym you go to ;)

Here's the thing...just like those migrating herds, the VAST
majority of people who start off with great intentions in the gym
end up migrating right back out the door by Feb 1st, never to use
their 3-year financed credit card autopay Bally's membership ever

So if you're new to training or just getting back into things
after an absence, please DO NOT let that happen to you...all it
takes is the right info and good advice to get you progressing in
the right direction.

And to help you NOT become one of those statistics, I've got some
good, solid fat-loss information put out by a friend of mine and
fellow trainer Anthony Alayon.

He's got THREE items lined up for you...

(And just an fyi, this is more beginner-focused stuff... definitely
well-researched and well put-together, though)

1. Top 10 Biggest Fat Loss Lies - in this, he exposes all of the
lies that the weight loss industry thrives on to basically keep
people fat. When you know WHY these are lies, you can structure a
program to avoid these pitfalls.

2. The Fat Extinction Primer System - a workout and nutrition
program that helps you to permanently boost your metabolism and
activate your fat burning hormones. As I mentioned above, good
basic programming info that will really get you moving in the
right direction.

3. Online Body Fat Analysis Calculator - it not only calculates
your body fat but also gives you an idea of what your ideal
calorie intake to burn fat is. Neat little tool to let you know
approximately where you're at.

You can pick those up here:




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