Subject: So what's the deal with Dr. K and this Neuro Fat Loss stuff?

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

If you're on any fitness or training newsletters, I'm sure you've
probably heard of this guy Dr. K. by now. I had sent out a few
emails about his stuff a few weeks back myself.

Basically (and this is a very general outline), his program is
about tuning your nervous system to be more efficient using very
specific exercises and movement patterns. This tuning is supposed
to allow your body to function more effeciently and burn fat more
effectively. It's a very interesting premise and I think it has

Now having said that, I've been in the training game for more
than 18 years and I've seen a lot of training programs show a lot
of potential but come up short.

That's exactly why I've set up a live interview with the doc
himself to make sure this program really is what he says it is
and that you know exactly what it's all about. I'll be talking to
him on Wednesday, and I want YOUR help.

I'll be opening it up to your questions after we go through the
basics (and the details) of his program during the call. Here's
the info - you can listen online or on the'll need to
submit your questions online.


Title: Dr. K. Double-Edged Fat Loss Interview
Time: Wednesday, March 17th at 2:00pm Eastern
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast

To attend, visit:


And a couple of quick things...

He's going to be opening up his program for purchase tomorrow at
noon EST, plus he's put out another video where he talks about
the program and the deals he's got lined up for it, if you're
interested in checking that all out (he has a PDF transcript of
it on that page, if the video doesn't load fast for you).

Should be a good interview on Wednesday so definitely go get
your questions in!


P.S. I just uploaded a TON of new videos to my YouTube channel a
few days ago (link right below), so if you want some cool new
exercises to try out, definitely check that out!

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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