Subject: "Skynet" for MASS is here...

If you've watched any of the Terminator movies, you know that Skynet is the AI (Artificial Intelligence) that tries to destroy humanity with nuclear weapons...then Terminators.

That, of course, is not good.

However, what if you could harness the power of advanced Artificial Intelligence for help you build muscle and strength FAST?

...if you could somehow use the capabilities of machine learning to program exactly what you need to do to build muscle and strength as fast as humanly possible. mistakes, no setbacks.

Just forward progress...inexorable and unstoppable, like a Terminator.


A.I. for Muscle is HERE

This is awesome.

A few months back, my friend Dr. Carl Juneau (the creator of the Dr. Muscle app that I've talked about in the past, that uses the power of AI to help you build muscle and strength faster) asked me if I'd like to have one of my programs imported into the Dr. Muscle system.

(If you're not familiar with it, you can learn all about it here - it's HIGHLY effective)

And I said "Absolutely." with no hesistation.

I decided that my powerful Two Block Mass system would be the one to use.

It uses the paried principles of Accumulation and Intensification to stragtegically ramp your body up to a state of acute overtraining (also known as overreaching) where your muscle-building processes are operating at full tilt...

...then back off, and allow your body to recover, where you'll make big leaps in strength.

This two-phased approach is THE single best approach I've ever used for building muscle and strength.

Being honest, this type of approach is responsible for almost ALL of my own gains in muscle mass and strength over the years. I base all my programs on this method because it's how the body works.


Dr. Muscle SUPERCHARGES the muscle-building process...

This app allows for customized programming within my Two Block Mass framework, telling you exactly what weights to use for every session for maximum gains in strength and muscle mass.

This takes an already excellent program and supercharges it.

With the help of the app, you'll know exactly what weights to use so that your body achieves the most powerful anabolic response possible.

You will gain muscle and strength FASTER.

And for the next few days, we've decided to offer you the first month of Dr. Muscle for just $1...which includes the full Two Block Mass program.


  • If you've ever felt STUCK in your progress...
  • If you've ever felt like you should be bigger or stronger than you are, with all the effort you're putting in...
  • If you're not sure what to do next to build mass and strength...

THIS is what you need to do.

Sign up for just $1 now...get the Two Block Mass program and the Dr. Muscle app...and I'll you tell you what to do and we'll use AI to get you there even FASTER.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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