Subject: Activate your "primal anabolic drive"...

...and build muscle and strength AUTOMATICALLY

Because when you know how to properly CONTROL and HARNESS the overtraining process, your body has no choice but to build muscle.

You see, overtraining is not necessarily's just misunderstood.

And using it properly is one of THE  single most powerful proven approaches to building muscle in existence. It's the "secret sauce" behind the programs of some of the most successful athletic coaches in the world.

Overtraining is what happens to your body when it gets faced with a workload it's not accustomed to and can't fully adapt to fast enough. It literally means "too much training."

And it can make you smaller, weaker and sick all the time if you let it get out of hand.

"CONTROLLED overtraining," however, takes this incredibly powerful, primal process and makes it work FOR you instead of against you. It treats your body as a system rather than a collection of bodyparts, as many programs do, unlocking your true muscle-building potential and anabolic drive.

Because here's the thing...


If you stay away from overtraining (as most people do), you'll NEVER know the kind of muscle growth that your body is truly capable of.

By not overtraining, you're cheating yourself out of POUNDS of "T-shirt-stretching" muscle mass that you could have right now. It's time to switch your thinking and embrace overtraining.

Imagine how you'll look and the stares of envy you'll get after you gain 5-7 POUNDS of raw muscle in just 6 weeks...

...then ANOTHER 5-7 pounds in the next 6 weeks after that, with your strength going through the ROOF at the same time.

You'll be throwing around weights you've never even TOUCHED before.

That amount of muscle growth can take YEARS to build with ordinary training, never mind all the intense frustration of scrapping for gains along the way.

Yet these kind of gains in mucle mass can and will happen, if you know how to do it. 


Step 1 - Build MASS With Accumulation Training

We start by gradually increasing your workload, increasing your training volume (the number of sets you do for each bodypart) and decreasing your rest periods between sets. You'll be doing more and more work in less and less time.

This phase is the "ramp up" period (a.k.a. "Accumulation"). Your training volume will be building up and demanding more and more of your body than it's able to fully recover from over a fairly short period of time.

Your body reacts to this increase by speeding up and maximizing the efficiency of its muscle-building and recovery processes. This is where you're going to build muscle mass fast.


Step 2 - Gain STRENGTH With Intensification Training

When you reach the point where your body can't keep up, that's when you've hit "acute overtraining." This is normally considered a bad thing, but to us, it's a very GOOD thing...because it's what we're actually TRYING to do.

That's our signal to ease up and reduce the training volume, doing fewer sets and fewer reps, with heavier weight and a lot more rest between sets. Now you're doing less work in more time.

This is the "back off" part of things (a.k.a. "Intensification") and it's where incredble strength gains will happen. It's where your entire recovery system, forced into metabolic overdrive, suddenly has only a fraction of the training stress to deal with.

The strength gains you'll see during this phase are almost MAGICAL...and it works every time.


THAT is the effect we're looking for and THAT is how you're going to use overtraining to FORCE your body to build muscle and strength.

The program that I've put together that does this is called Two Block Mass.

The program gives you eight unique 3-week blocks of training (4 Accumulation blocks and 4 Intensification blocks).

YOU get to choose which blocks you put together to create your own ideal program.

If you like Rest-Pause Training for Accumulation, you can pair that with Single Rep Cluster Training for Intensification.

And in my experience, when you use training methods that you LIKE to do, you'll put in a lot more effort...and when you add that effort to a framework that WORKS, the results can be astonishing.


Get "Two Block Mass" for $1...and get the help of Artificial Intelligence to progress even FASTER.

This is really cool.

A few months back, my friend Dr. Carl Juneau (the creator of the Dr. Muscle app that I've talked about in the past, that uses the power of AI to help you build muscle and strength faster) asked me if I'd like to have one of my programs imported into the Dr. Muscle system.

(If you're not familiar with it, you can learn all about it here - it's HIGHLY effective)

And I said "Absolutely." with no hesistation.

This app allows for customizes programming within my Two Block Mass framework, telling you exactly what weights to use for every session for maximum gains in strength and muscle mass.

This takes an already excellent program and SUPERCHARGES it.

With the help of the app, you'll know exactly what weights to use so that your body achieves the most powerful anabolic response possible.

You will gain muscle and strength FASTER.

And for the next few days, we've decided to offer you the first month of Dr. Muscle for just $1...which includes the full Two Block Mass program.


  • If you've ever felt STUCK in your progress...
  • If you've ever felt like you should be bigger or stronger than you are, with all the effort you're putting in...
  • If you're not sure what to do next to build mass and strength...

THIS is what you need to do.

Sign up for just $1 now...get the Two Block Mass program and the Dr. Muscle app...and I'll you tell you what to do and we'll use AI to get you there even FASTER.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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