Subject: Should you lose fat FAST?...Or should you lose it SLOW?

This is a question I get all the time...and it's a good one.

We've always been told it's best to lose fat slow by making LIFESTYLE changes that lead to gradual and permanent fat loss over long periods of time without the feelings of deprivation you can get from more extreme approaches.

And yes, it IS the ideal approach for MOST people, especially those who are more "entry level" in their training, and it's the best way to learn how to eat and be healthy.

Now, for me (and maybe for you, too), I like to EAT....and when I want to lose fat, I like to get it done FAST.

This involves those more "extreme" approaches I mentioned...i.e. low-carb dieting, very low-calorie eating, nutrient rotation, fasting, insane training...that kind of thing.

My own "Metabolic Surge" program is a prime example of's my "go to" approach when I want to drop fat. I've been using it off and on for more than 12 years now and it works every time.

What About Something Even FASTER for Fat Loss Than Metabolic Surge?

Yes, it DOES exist! :)

The program is called the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet, from my friends and colleauges Shaun Hadsall and Dan Long.

As good as my program is, their approach IS actually faster for fat loss than mine because of one important program includes a phase for rebuilding/retaining muscle mass.

If your focus is ONLY on losing as much fat as possible (and not as much on muscle mass and maintaining strength and performance), the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet would be a good approach for you.

It's not easy, though...and to lose fat that fast, you will need to deprive yourself (strategically) and train hard.

There are periods of "refeeding" built into the program at 5 day intervals, so you're not going too long without a reboot to your metabolism.

Bottom line, if you've got good working knowledge about healthy eating and training already, and you'd like try a big time "kick start" type of fat-loss program to get some FAST results, I'd definitely recommend you check this one out.

The Xtreme Fat Loss Diet will give you get you LEAN in a hurry, if you're willing to work for it!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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