Subject: Sh_t my Dad does...think I'M crazy in the gym? Read this... :)

Ok, this was an email I HAD to write...and when you read it you're going to see where I get my insanity from (and my willingness to push myself in the gym and set completely unreasonable performance goals and then hit them).

It's also going to make you feel, no matter how active you are right now (yeah, even if you run marathons), that you are a lazy sloth... (trust me on this ;)...

At age 76, my Dad is going to be doing a 24-hour golf marathon...yep, he's going to be golfing for 24 hours STRAIGHT, starting at midnight on June 21st, going til midnight the next day. He's aiming to do a MINIMUM of 100 holes.

And he's not going to be riding in a cart...[too easy]...he's going to be WALKING the course and carrying his clubs. He's got a stash of fluorescent-painted golfballs and a spotlight (and a friend to walk with him during the night hours and shine the spotlight to find the balls).

Click here to see the PDF file of the poster for the event here...

He's also doing it to raise awareness and funds for a local charity that both he and my Mom work with that does some really great work in their home community of Creston, B.C., Canada (where I grew up). If you'd like to read more about that charity and make a donation (no pressure), it's called the Creston-Kootenay Foundation.

So if THAT doesn't make you feel like a lazy sloth, here's a rundown of some of the other challenges my Dad has crushed...(in his 70's)...

1. Non-stop cycling from Creston, B.C. to Calgary, Alberta

This was approximately 500 km (310 miles) done in around 25 hours (if I remember correctly)...just short breaks and quick naps but no full stopping.

2. Non-stop cycling from Creston, B.C. to Vancouver, B.C.

Approximately 730 km (450 miles) done in around 40 hours...same deal with short breaks and naps.

3. Roller skiing across Canada (yeah, the whole country!)

Victoria, B.C. to St. John's, age 72, covering a total of 6,100 km (3790 miles) in 3 months. (click here to check out the site I put together documenting the journey - I've posted a few other information things there, too. Click here to see the trip log).


Now, I didn't post this to make you feel lazy...I posted this because I want you to see that age is NOT an issue that should ever hold you back from accomplishing physical goals and improving yourself.

And I also wanted to post this to show you that no matter what age you are, you should NEVER be afraid to set "unreasonable" goals...because with enough drive and the right training, you can achieve things that most people would consider impossible or unthinkable.

So now you can see that when I do something that SEEMS insane (like deadlifting 405 lbs for 25 reps straight), it's really not that crazy to me... (and at least it's over in about a minute or two ;). My basis for comparison is in a whole different ballpark...

If you'd like to wish him luck, just hit reply to this email and I'll make sure he gets it!


P.S. Just a quick side note, at midnight tonight, Adam Steer and Ryan Murdock's "Shapeshifter" body-redesign program is going to go on sale. This is a GREAT program. I've looked through the information and this is top-quality "at-home" bodyweight training that you can use to really reshape your body with minimal equipment.

As a bonus, I'm going to be kicking in a new book I'm putting together called "The Best Bodyweight Exercises You've Never Heard Of" - it'll be the perfect match to help you get even MORE out of the Shapeshifter program.

Plain link from today's email to copy and paste into your browser:

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