Subject: SHRED your lower abs with See-Saw Leg Raises...

I'll be the first to tell you that you can't totally isolate the lower abs.

However...what you CAN do is use certain exercises, body positions and equipment to help shift MORE of the tension to the lower abs over the rest of the rectus abdominus (the six-pack abs).

Targeting this area will help develop that nice "V" taper that you see in the lower abdominal area when bodyfat levels start getting low enough to see it.

It can also help tighten up that section of muscle, which when done along with other targeted rotational exercises, can flatten the stomach.

THIS exercise is doing going to do it for you...I call it a See-Saw Leg Raise.

It's a great exercise that puts serious tension on the lower abs...and all you need to do it is a rolled-up towel!


Quick side note...

Blue Star Nutraceuticals (one of my favorite supplement companies) is having a 25% off sale (ends tonight) on most of their supplement line (except Iso-Smooth and Whey Smooth).

Just use coupon code APRIL25 at checkout for the discount.

If you've used their stuff, you know how good it is...and if you haven't, this is a great time to test it out. I've used and tried a lot of their products and they're GREAT quality.

I'm currently using their PowerXD creatine and their "Elevate" nervous system priming product.

Go stock up here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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