Subject: Quick update on Mad Scientist Muscle program...

Nick Nilsson
Author of Mad Scientist Muscle

First off, thanks for picking Mad Scientist Muscle and putting it
to work! I've got a quick update that I wanted to get into your
hands here...had a few questions regarding this subject so I
wanted to be sure and get it out there as I didn't really cover
in detail in the book.

It's regarding the length of the Accumulation and Intensification phases.

The question is...can a person do shorter or longer periods of
time on those phases, depending on how fast or how slow a person
arrives at the point of overtraining?

For example, if your recovery ability is more limited and you hit
acute overtraining within two weeks, is it okay to then go
directly to the next phase, rather than staying another week on
that accumulation phase and pushing even MORE into overtraining?

The signs of overtraining that we're looking for are general
tiredness, dreading going to the gym, feeling "beaten up"...that
kind of thing.

And the answer is yes, if you hit overtraining within two weeks,
absolutely go to the intensification phase. Our primary goal is
to hit overtraining...if you get their sooner, there isn't
anything to be gained by pushing even further into it.

On the other hand, if it takes you a little longer and your body
deals with training volume better, you can extend the phase by
another week, no problem - just repeat the same formatting of
Week 3 (unless you're doing the Time/Volume Training, in which
case you still want to try and increase weight, when possible).

And on the flip side, with the Intensification phase, if you find
you're still gaining strength and want to perform another week or
two of that training, then you definitely can continue with it.

This is one of the best ways to adjust the program to your own
recovery levels and squeeze the most results from it that you


I'm currently running through all four cycles of the program
right now myself - just finished the first week of "Low Rep
Strength Training" on Cycle 1. I've gained about 13 fairly lean
pounds and have increased my strength levels pretty substantially
(about 40 lbs on the bench and about 50 on the deadlift - haven't
tested squats yet).

I also want to hear from YOU!!

I enjoy nothing more than hearing about the results people are
getting with my if you've gone through a cycle, let
me know how it worked for you. And if you have any questions,
definitely let me know!

Drop me an email to and let me know how you're
