Subject: Pull-Apart Inverted Rows...great upper back bodyweight exercise

I did this one last night and I'm really feeling it in my upper back today already.

This is an excellent variation of the inverted row movement.

You take a neutral, "baseball bat" type of grip on the bar and get your feet up set up. I have my feet up on the frame of the rack, but you could even use a lower bar for your hands and leave your feet on the floor.

The important setup point is that your body is parallel to the bar and you're gripping like a bat.

Then...the REAL key here is not to "row"...but to try and pull the bar APART...which then causes your body to move upwards.

This develops amazing tension in through the upper back, taking the biceps and brachialis out of the movement almost completely.

To take some of the load off, set your feet on the floor and have the bar 3 feet off the ground. This will allow you to use less of your bodyweight.

Just remember to pull the bar apart and you're golden.

I've got the video of this exercise in action here.


Want MORE Bodyweight Exercises Like This...

I've got 5 more exercises for you to try out here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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