Subject: [Nick Nilsson Affiliate Program] High-converting new book! The "30-Second Ab-Solution"

First off, I want to apologize as I haven't been in regular communication with your over the past few months! I've got lots cooking both in terms of new products and revamping current products, so you'll be hearing from me more frequently.

I just wanted to let you know, I've got a strong-converting new book available for you to promote, called the "30-Second Ab-Solution."

It is a low-priced offer and a very easy sell to just about any list or audience due to the subject matter (it's essentially a collection of exercises that can be done for 30 seconds throughout the day to strengthen the deep abdominal muscles that flatten the stomach).

This one has been converting around 5-6% for affiliates who have promoted it already, and I have a good upsell process in place after the initial sale to make you even more $$.

You can read the sales letter for it here...

I've posted the affiliate link generator for the program, as well as the emails swipes that have been used with for promotions, as well as banner ads for posting on your site/blog.

You'll find those here.

If you have any questions or would like to get a review copy of the book to check out, just let me know!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle