Subject: My take on protein deprivation for muscle growth...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

So I've gotten quite a few questions about
whether I think the protein deprivation technique
in Jeff Anderson's "Optimum Anabolics" program is
really effective or not.

The best way for me to answer that is to direct
you to an article I wrote on this exact subject
way back in 2003!

How to Gain Muscle By Eating NO Protein

Now, the version of "no protein" that I talk
about in the article is different than what Jeff
proposes, but the basic idea is the same...deprive
the body of protein to spark an emergency reaction
in the body, forcing muscle growth.

I use this technique in my Metabolic Surge and
Muscle Explosion programs and found it to be very
effective. You can read more about Jeff's take on
it on the page for his book here:

**** And just so you know, this is the LAST day Jeff
is offering the book at a reduced price, so be
sure to grab it today if you are interested in it

It's an excellent program!
