Subject: My "go to" source for SCIENCE-based supplement info...

I've seen a lot of garbage supplements in my 25+ years of training...hoo boy, have I.

And I just WISH I had had a resource like this when I first started out.

The site is called right now, they're having a special sale celebrating 5 years of supplement research and information.

Whenever I want to know if a supplement is good or not, this is my trusted source for an objective, science-based evaluation.

They were also kind enough to put together a special Examine Research Digest (ERD) specifically with articles from their site that I've recommended for you.

You can download that here for FREE right now...(direct link to the PDF file)

This digest contains...

- Fish oil incorporation: where do other fats fit in?
- The chocolate fountain of youth
- Investigating vitamin D as a performance enhancer
- Not-so-safe supplements
- Citrulline wants to pump you up!

Definitely grab your free digest here now...this will give you a great idea of what is all about! And you'll see why I like it so much as a source of quality, unbiased supplement info!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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