Subject: My fat loss advice was "Go to the buffet and eat pasta!"

Luis was my new client from Argentina and he was desperate. He had just asked me why he wasn't losing fat anymore and he was ready to give up.

This was about 20 years ago, when I used to work as a personal trainer on cruise ships...a client had booked a session with me and wanted to focus on his diet.

And as long as ago as it is was, I remember it like it was yesterday, because of how downright CRAZY the advice was that he had gotten from his regular trainer.

The client (we'll call him Luis) was in decent shape...he had a little bit of muscle but was not especially might call him "skinny fat."

And when he came in for his appointment, the first thing out of his mouth was...

"My trainer in Argentina has me eating a low-carb diet for a year now. I did lose some fat for awhile but why am I not getting the six-pack abs yet? I'm trying to build some muscle, too, but I can't do that either. I want to know what's wrong."

I looked at him and said "Ok, Luis, I can help you with that. Let's find out more. Have you been eating ONLY low-carb for the past year? How often do you eat carbs?"

"I don't eat carbs." he said.

I paused and looked at him...

" mean ever?" I replied.

"No. My trainer at home said no carbs."

"And you haven't had any carbs in a whole year?"

"No. I'm not allowed to eat carbs."

"So let me make sure I'm understanding've been eating low-carb for a full year but you haven't lost the weight you want to lose. How long has it been since you stopped losing fat?"

Luis looked down at the floor..."8 months now."

My jaw hit the floor.

I looked at him and said this...

"We're going to do a training session now. It's going to last about 45 minutes. And right after we're done, you're going to go to the lunch buffet on the top deck and you're going to eat a GIANT plate of pasta...or rice...or potatoes...or bread...or all of the above. All of the things you've wanted to eat but couldn't."

Now, it doesn't matter if a person is from the United States or from Argentina, there are some facial expressions that are just universal...and a HUGE smile with a look of relief is definitely one of them.

I took him through a hard session then said, "Now get to that buffet and EAT. That's an order."

So the next day he comes in for his next training session....with a puzzled look on his face.

"Hi Luis," I said. "What's going on? You look confused."

He nodded his head.

"Yes. I went to the buffet and did exactly what you said." he started. "I ate so much bread and pasta that I thought I was going to blow up. It was fantastic."

"Okay..." I began.

"But I don't understand." he continued. "I ate all that food and I was so full....and this morning I go on the scale and today I'm LIGHTER...and I can even see some of my abs."

I smiled.

"That's exactly what I knew was going to happen. I didn't want to tell you because you needed to see it happen for yourself. Your body was stuck because you hadn't eaten carbs in so long. And when you gave it that many carbs, your metabolism kicked back on again."

I was simplifying things a bit, of course, but I wanted to make sure he got the point.

"You can still do low-carb on occasion, but don't do it for that long. You need to get the carbs in more often...especially when you're on vacation on an amazing cruise like this!"

Now, I kid you not, as luck would have it, the Captain of the ship was actually doing an inspection tour around the ship at the time and came through the gym with his entourage of officers right as Luis had just finished telling me what happened.

Luis turned and saw the Captain, marched right over to him and pointed at me and said...

"This man is a genius. You need to give him more money."

I gave the Captain a thumbs up and a smile (I actually knew him pretty well). He said "Thank you for the advice." to Luis with a smile on his face, then went back to his tour.

Luis came back and gave me a huge handshake and said "You're all set. Now let's do the workout."


The moral of the story is this...

Low-carb diets work, but not forever. Your body may not technically NEED carbs, but if you want to really transform your body, that DOES require carbs.

So a few weeks back, I had a friend of mine introduce me to a guy by the name of Hamaad Bhat.

Hamaad had just finished putting together a new program called "Skinny Fat Shred" and the moment I heard the name, it took me immediately back to the advice I had given to Luis, 20 years before.

I was curious, so I asked Hamaad if I could have a look at the program and he sent me over a copy. And after reading through it, I was impressed.

It was well put together and well thought out...filled with good information and solid advice.

There are a lot of training programs out there that get thrown together by people who's only qualifications are how good they look on Instagram.

Hamaad's program, however, addresses the needs of guys who are "skinny fat" and was for real.

I especially liked his approach to diet...he gives you the information you need to lose fat AND also build muscle, without running into long-term issues like Luis did.

Bottom line, if you're currently fighting the "skinny fat" thing yourself right now, this program is something you'll definitely want to take a look at.

Check out "Skinny Fat Shred" here....

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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