Subject: Mixed-Height Dumbbell Push-Ups...killer bodyweight tricep exercise

This is an excellent bodyweight exercise for targeting the triceps very strongly both through a full AND a partial range of motion (for greater loading).

This specific method is going to allow you to very thoroughly work the triceps, using the partial range portion of the exercise to put increased loading on the triceps for more of a strength-building effect.

To do this one, you'll need two dumbbells. Set one on the floor (as normal) and set one on end about 2 foot away beside it. This is going to be done with a tricep focus, which requires a close grip.

Set one hand on the dumbbell handle of the dumbbell that's flat on the floor and the other hand on top of the dumbbell head set on end. Get into push-up position.

Now lower yourself down to the bottom position.

Your left arm will be in a normal position for a close-grip press. Your right arm will be bent a LOT more, putting in a weak biomechanical position to help with the exercise...this means the left arm is going to be doing the majority of the pushing, putting increased loading on that tricep.

Now push up.

And don't stop. Continue the movement, taking your left hand off the lower dumbbell and continuing the push-up with just one hand on the right dumbell. This is the partial-range portion of the exercise done with your full bodyweight.

Because your using a partial range of motion, your right tricep is in a good biomechanical position to extend the elbow and you'll be able to push with just one arm.

Lower yourself back down under control, setting your left hand back on the dumbbell when you can.

Repeat for as many reps as you can get before either one of your arms gets fatigued.

Take a brief rest then switch sides, setting the left dumbbell up on end and setting the right dumbbell flat on the floor. Then repeat.

Repeat for (ideally) as many reps as you got on the other side.

Overall, this is a simple method of increasing resistance on the tricep using a simple bodyweight push-up exercise.

If you don't have or don't want to use dumbbells, you can replicate this very easily with just about anything that's elevated to an appropriate height (even a stair or low box).

And honestly, you don't necessarily even need the second dumbbell for this exercise...I just like to use it because I find it fits the exercise better in terms of height difference to have that few inches off the floor. You can certainly test it with just one dumbbell standing on end and see how it feels to you.

Watch the video of this one in action here...


Get 5 more of my killer bodyweight exercises like this here...


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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