Subject: How to get six-pack abs, at home, with no equipment

First, you need to use exercises that involve your entire body, not just your abs.

Second, you need to pay attention to what you're eating...then eat less of it.

Third...well, that's pretty much it, basically.

The key lies in making sure you do those two critical things in a sustainable fashion for YOU, so that you can be consistent with both.

THAT is the real secret to achieving success in the fat-loss and six-pack abs department.

For me, when I want to get lean, I do a lot of carrying and lifting of heavy things, I do a lot of metabolic conditioning training with weights, and I follow a strict, low-calorie, 3-day rotation of macronutrients and intermittent fasting.

For me, it's something I can do without hardship and I get great results from it because I love doing it like that. However, that might not be a sustainable course of action for YOU.

In that respect, I think it's important to develop your training "toolbox" so that you have plenty of options to choose'll help you find what really works best for you, that you enjoy, and what is something you can keep up with consistently.


That's why I recommend having a look at Mike Zhang's "Kickboxer Abs" program.

If you train at home or travel a lot and want an option for doing workouts with no equipment, the circuits and exercise sequences Mike has put together are extremely effective at stimulating fat loss and strengthening and developing the abs.

It's really good stuff in that respect.


However, I'll be honest with you....I don't use these types of workouts myself because I wouldn't be consistent with them.

They're excellent and will absolutely work for the goals they were created for, but when given the option, I would rather do sprints up and down the street pushing a car or carry a heavy water jug on my shoulder for 2 miles or do a resistance circuit with a pile of weight.

But that's just ME.

You need to find what works for YOU.

And the Kickboxer Abs program might be exactly what you need to get consistent and stay consistent and really enjoy the process. Once you enjoy the process, it's a gamechanger.

His program might be an ideal option for you for when you travel and want to again maintain consistency with your training...or if you have very limited time one day and can't get to the gym so you want to do something at home.

I think you catch my drift.

Bottom line, go check it out here.

His special launch price of just 9 bucks is expiring at midnight tonight, so definitely go check it out before the deadline.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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