Subject: Last chance...if you want the MUSCLE without the fat...

I'll keep this short...just wanted to send you a quick reminder here
that the sale price on my friend Hugo Rivera's Body Re-Engineering
muscle and fat-loss program
is going away at midnight tonight.

Hugo uses a variation of controlled overtraining, i.e. accumulation
and intensification, very much along the lines of what I use in my
own programs.

This style of program design flat-out WORKS because it hits your
body the the way it's MEANT to overload it with volume
then you back off and reap the results, as your body continues to
try and recover from that volume.

If you've been training any length of time, you know y
our body
doesn't respond to training in a straight can't train it like
that if you want long-term results.

I'm a big fan of the approach he's taken with this program...
definitely worth having a look at if you're looking to really make
some serious changes to your body and your training.

Click here to check out Body Re-Engingeering now...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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