Subject: Last chance for Tom Venuto's "motivation" bonuses...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Just wanted to fire out a quick reminder to you
that today is the last day Tom's going to have his
"Operation Motivation" bonuses available along
with his "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" program.


Basically, you'll get 7 ebooks and special
reports that reveal how to super-charge your
motivation and "Re-Program Your Mind" for
long-term success.

** If you've ever had trouble sticking to a
program, getting started on one or even
maintaining the results you've gotten with a
program this is MUST-HAVE info.**

Heck, you can think of it as getting the
motivational book as the primary item and getting
Tom's fat-loss book as the bonus! That's how good
this extra stuff is.

And if you're curious to know what I think of
Tom's's top-notch. VERY good info on
fat-loss in his book.

Definitely check it out before midnight

