Subject: Last Chance & My Top 10 Favorite Diet Foods

From: Nick Nilsson
Author of Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss


Hey, I just wanted to send you a quick reminder that TODAY is
the last day to grab my "Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss"
program for 20 bucks - it goes back up to the regular price
tonight at midnight so really do jump on this if you're at all
interested in checking it out.

This program has given me personally just ridiculously good
results - it's pretty much the only fat loss program I really
even use right now when I want to drop fat simply because it's so
easy to follow and I KNOW how truly effective it is.

I guess I'm a little biased but I highly recommend it and
honestly, it's just dirt cheap right now :)

You can read more about it and pick it up here:



My Top 10 Favorite Diet Foods...

As I mentioned in the subject line of this email, I've got a
list of my top 10 favorite diet foods for you here...fair
warning, I have a feeling most if not ALL of these foods are
probably not foods you've ever seen on a diet food list :)

You see, they're NOT your typical diet foods like rice cakes and
chicken breasts…

10. Triple Cheeseburgers

This is a STAPLE diet food that should be on everyone's list.
Why? Because you will burn a TON of calories constantly catching
that middle burger patty that keeps shooting out the back of the
bun from all the grease every time you bite into it.

And if you're worried about getting too many calories from the
sandwich itself, just remove the lettuce and tomato - all that
healthy crap does is slow down the fatty meat clawing its way
through your digestive tract.

9. Pizza

Pizza is the PERFECT diet food, according to the Government Food
Pyramid. How so, you ask?

Just look at it! First, you've got "grains" making up the bottom
of the pizza (just like the bottom of the pyramid)…a delicious,
thick nutritionless white flour gob. Next up, you've got the
dairy group - cheese, of course (lots of great calcium to be
found there, which can enhance fat-burning by up to 1/25 of a
percent)! You've also got your vegetables (unless you get your
pizza with no vegetables, in which case you'll have to count
pepperoni as a vegetable, which I am FINE with, by the way).
Finally, you've got the meat group…right on top.

Good eating and a perfect match to the food pyramid, in
structure if not intent!

8. Cold Beer

Do you have any idea how many calories your body burns simply
warming up cold beer to body temperature in your stomach? No?
Good...because ignorance is VERY important for making this tip

You see every time you eat or drink a food that is colder than
body temperature, your body must expend heat warming that food
up. A single bottle of cold beer will cause the body to burn
almost 8,000 calories (give or take) warming it up to body

And believe me, there have been studies that back this up. In
fact, the more beer that was "studied," the higher that number
went up!

This technique works well with soda, too. But not that "diet"
garbage - you want to go with the REAL stuff. It has to contain
at least 48 grams of high fructose corn syrup per 30 gram serving
to maximize fat burning (that GIANT insulin spike followed by the
tremendous crash in blood sugar burns a TON of calories).

7. Rice Krispie Squares

Everybody knows Rice Krispies are made up almost entirely of
air. So eating Rice Krispie squares is just like eating air. That
thick layer of fudge on the top is just required to keep the
squares from floating away. It's a totally guilt-free snack. In
fact, eat the whole pan and you'll actually get LIGHTER because
you're eating so much air.

6. French Fries

It's a FACT that French people have lower blood pressure and
cholesterol than Americans. Obviously, this is because they eat
more FRENCH Fries. So the trick is to eat more French Fries. I'm
telling you…ya just can't make this stuff up.

5. Pizza Again

It's just that good of a diet food. I mean, how many foods do
you know that you can dramatically change their calorie content
just by how you slice them?

Think about it…let's say in a normal large pizza, you cut it
into 8 pieces. That's a LOT of calories and you PROBABLY won't
lose weight when you eat the whole thing. But cut that same large
pizza into FOUR slices? You've just cut your calories in HALF. So
when you eat the whole thing, you're only eating HALF the number
of slices. Do the math and you'll see.

Also, pizza is a round food and everybody knows that round foods
have fewer calories than square foods - no corners…duh.

4. Anything That Has Fallen On The Floor

It automatically loses ALL calorie content. This rule only
applies, however, if it happens by ACCIDENT. And the dog gets
first dibs.

3. Twinkies

Since Twinkies cannot technically be considered food (in a
nuclear war, they will outlast even cockroaches), you're welcome
to eat as many of these as you want. They are also VERY valuable
for appetite control. Don't believe me? Eat a dozen of these
colon-stoppers and see how your appetite is.

2. Chinese Food

I'm not talking "American" Chinese food with the almond chicken
and ginger beef…I'm talking CHINESE Chinese food. And if you've
been to China and have seen the things hanging in the
unrefrigerated shop windows, you know EXACTLY what I'm talking
about and why eating those things will help you lose weight

1. "Sports" Water

In other words, water with that great "sporty" taste of corn
syrup, artificial flavor and fresh-squeezed potassium benzoate!
In fact, I have to say "kudos" to the corporations who found a
way to create a market out of complete bullsh*t!... And then lash
out for people having to do (GOD FORBID) MORE exercise, to burn
off those 60 extra calories found in the other guys bottle of
stupid sports water. Like just being alive for an extra 45
minutes won't burn THAT off. Cripes.

Sorry...bit of a tangent there.

If, at this point, you're still wondering if this is a SERIOUS
article, the answer is "yes." I really, truly, totally believe
triple cheeseburgers can be part of a balanced diet…

But only if you've got one in each hand.

Now, if you ARE looking for some REAL fat-loss information,
you've got til MIDNIGHT tonight to pick up my Metabolic Surge -
Rapid Fat Loss book (Friday, Jan 15th), when the price goes back
up from 20 bucks to the regular price.





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