Subject: Keep your fat loss going, even when your body doesn't want to...

Your body is SMART, especially when it comes to holding onto just doesn't want to get rid of it.

You're fighting thousands of years of evolution here...fat stores were critical during times of famine.

However, your body doesn't realize that we don't actually live in a time of famine at the moment...yet it's still ACTING like there's a shortgage of food just around the corner.

So on order to continue to lose fat (once the easy first few pounds are off), you need to match smart with SMARTER...

Not long ago, I was approached by a trainer by the name of Bryan Syuki...he had just finished putting together a program (called the Refocus Formula) with this very goal in mind...

How to keep fat loss going once your body "wised up" to what you were doing and tried to shut it down.

After reading through the program, I was impressed. Bryan's approach was SMART and utilzed an array of proven stategies for keeping the fat-loss process moving, even when your body is desperately trying to shut it down.

The key is working WITH your body and not just trying to bash it over the head with contstanly cutting calories and exercising into oblivion.

This program is more appropriate for beginner-level trainers...if you're newer to training and looking for a solid program that makes SENSE, this is one I would definitely recommend for you.

Bryan has done a great job explaining the fat-loss process and the real secrets of long-term, effective fat loss.

This stuff works.

Learn how the Refocus Formula can help you achieve consistent fat loss with NO plateaus

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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