Subject: Keep your explosiveness...lose your fat... (workout)

This "Metabolic Monster" fat-loss circuit workout is all about explosiveness...

We're going to cycle through 5 exercises covering the major movement patterns of your body using explosive/power-oriented exercises for low reps all the way through.

As well, instead of taking rest, you're going to be doing heavy dumbbell Farmers Walks in between exercises to maximize overall workload and the metabolic training effect on your body.

I'll be is suffering....but suffering with a purpose...

And with that ringing endorsement ;) here to check it out...

One-Arm Dumbbell Power Snatch


This one is taken directly from my Metabolic Monsters's packed with workouts like this, designed to get you ripped while keeping ALL your muscle mass, power and athleticism.

These workouts are challenging and tough, and INCREDIBLY effective.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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