Subject: KILL sugar cravings with this…

Sugar is literally is.

And when you get a sugar craving, giving in to it inevitably seems to make the craving even WORSE.

I've got a great guest article here from my friend and colleague, Tyler Bramlett, that's going to help you DEFEAT those sugar cravings once and for all.




We all know we shouldn't be eating as much sugar as we do, right?

However... I'd be lying to you if I told you anything other then the fact that sugar cravings and starchy carb cravings are hard to push through. In fact, I’ll be the first to admit that it’s challenging to, “just say no!”

But, there is a trick you can use to kill sugar cravings. And... it doesn't involve will power or mental toughness... What is that secret?

Eat enough protein!

Protein is essential for you if you want to get great results and while you’ve probably heard that you need to monitor the amount of protein you take in… very few people actually track this vital macronutrient and use it to their advantage!

The reason protein is so powerful is because it repairs muscle tissue helping you to recover faster, elevates your body temperature increasing your metabolic rate and sends hunger satiating signals to your body leaving you less hungry!

Here’s a summary of what protein does for you…

- Repairs Muscles Faster
- Increases Metabolism
- Reduces Sugar Cravings And Hunger

Looking at this list above, why wouldn’t you make it your #1 goal to start consuming enough protein day to day, right?

In order for you to experience these benefits, my general recommendation is for you to consume 100-150g protein daily for women and 150-200g daily for men.

And… Although this may sound like a lot, it’s actually easier then you think to consume.

The best way to make sure you get enough protein is to make a habit of eating it for breakfast.

Eating 30-50g of protein with some high quality fats and veggies for breakfast will reduce your appetite -- especially for the sweet foods -- and it'll flip your fat burning switch into overdrive.

There are two reasons this works...


A protein-based breakfast stabilizes your blood sugar first thing in the morning. That's EXTREMELY important when you want to lose fat.

That’s because chronically high blood sugar levels are associated with obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and more.

Let me explain...

When you wake up and eat carbohydrates for breakfast, your body turns them into sugar and your pancreas secretes the hormone insulin to get the sugar from your blood to your cells.

Much like a real estate agent, insulin's responsibility is to take the glucose (or carbs/sugar) you just ate and show it a few different places where it can live. House #1 is your liver, house #2 is your muscles, and house #3 is your fat tissue.

The problem with eating carbs first thing in the morning is that, unless your muscles or liver need glucose -- as is the case within 60 minutes of a tough workout -- the carbs will most likely choose to live in your fat cells (house #3).

Then, guess what happens when your blood sugar begins to settle down after a big spike? You crave MORE SUGAR! And you'll want it in the form of more carbs.

That whole process effectively traps you in a constant state of craving carbs and sugary foods and never lets your body go into full fat burning mode. Skipping carbs and eating protein for breakfast is a great way to break the vicious cycle.


A higher protein breakfast will reset your brain's responsiveness to leptin -- a hormone that reduces your appetite. Consistently elevated insulin levels lower leptin and leave you feeling hungrier.

That means high protein breakfasts not only put you in fat burning mode, they also help reduce your overall hunger on a mental level. Talk about AWESOME!

The habit you need to form is to eat a high protein breakfast (30-50g) generally within 60 minutes of waking (the only exception is if you follow an intermittent fasting diet in which case consume protein for your first meal).

If you do this you will have better control of your blood sugar levels and reduce your appetite and cravings for starchy and sugary carbs throughout the day.

NOTE: If you exercise vigorously first thing in the morning, eat your high protein breakfast directly after your workout and include carbs but minimize fat instead.

Here’s a few examples of high protein breakfasts you can use:

Protein Mocha - Use 30g Chocolate Whey Protein With 16oz Coffee and 1 TBSP Grass Fed Butter. Blend In A Blender And Enjoy

Eggs And Bacon - Cook 2-4 Eggs And 4-8oz Bacon And Enjoy

Omelette Or Scramble - Use 2-4 Eggs Along With Your Favorite Veggies And Enjoy

Meat And Nuts - Cook 4-8oz Meat (Breakfast Sausage Is Great) And Add A Small Handful Of Your Favorite Nuts


(this is Nick here again).

Speaking for myself, last year I switched from my regular breakfast of eggs and oatmeal with fruit in it, to a breakfast of just eggs and chia seeds (I ALWAYS eat and recommend whole eggs, just fyi).

I usually don't eat ANY carbs before noon...and generally none until dinner time...and it's helped me a LOT with energy levels and keeping bodyfat low without much effort...even while basically eating whatever I want for dinner (including dessert).

If you'd like more info like this from Tyler on how to make small changes to your daily habits to get BIG results, I would definitely recommend checking out his new program.

27 Body Transformation Habits You Can't Ignore

This book is packed with GREAT information on how you can use the power of habit to your advantage, rather than letting "bad" habits keep control of your life.

So if you need a little help getting your head on right for transforming yourself, this is a book you NEED.

This is potentially life-changing information that you can get now for just 9 BUCKS...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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