Subject: KB Swing to Reverse Lunge...a near total-body kettlebell exercise...

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If you're short on time for a workout, this combo exercise targets almost every major muscle group in your body in one shot...

You're going to start with one-arm kettlebell swing, then "catch" it with your other hand while you come down into a Reverse Lunge.

It sounds complex, however once you watch the video and see a few reps, you'll get it.

It literally works almost every major muscle group in your entire body, especially the posterior chain.

Check it out here.


This Kettlebell Program Makes You LOOK Better...

Because yes, kettlebells CAN be used for aesthetic-focused training, just like machines, barbells and dumbbells!

Now, don't get me wrong, kettlebells are a phenomenal strength and performance tool...however, most people don't generally think of them as being useful for developing the physique... in looking better.

You can absolutely use kettlebells to focus your training on looking better while also reaping the stabilizing and strength-building benefits of kettlebell training. If you're new to kettlebell training (or even if you're not!), I've got something for you to check out.

Chris Lopez and Rusty Moore (two good friends of mine...known them both for 10+ years) have created a Kettlebell Home Workout course that will help you focus on training with kettlebells to look better.

... and this program requires just ONE SINGLE KETTLEBELL.


This is a 3-month program aimed specifically at torching body fat and creating a lean, strong and injury-resistant body.

Kettlebell lifts require full body coordination.

Here’s a GIF image created from one of the videos in the course.

Chris Lopez lives in Costa Rica and all of the workout and exercise demonstrations are filmed right on the beach where he lives.

He's demonstrating progression from a one-arm kettlebell swing to a one-arm snatch.

Chris is one of the world’s top kettlebell experts and has been training with nothing but kettlebells since 2003.

Check out Visual Impact Kettlebells here...

If you're training from home and have limited equipment (like a kettlebell), this course gets my highest recommendation for you.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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