Subject: Just TWO chairs...full body training...

Today I've got another set of exercises you can do with very simple equipment...

In this case, all you need is a couple of chairs (dining room chairs, office chairs, etc.). Depending on the design of your chairs, some will work better than others for some exercises.

I've got exercise variations for beginning trainers all the way to advanced, covering all your major muscle groups.

The only thing I would say is don't use chairs that have wheels on the bottom for some of the exercises. Above all, you want to ensure that you're being SAFE.

Clearly chairs are designed for sitting, not as exercise equipment, so ALWAYS be very sure that you're challenging just yourself, not your furniture :).

I've got the full video on my YouTube channel here (it's about 9 minutes long...LOTS of great exercises to check out)

If you have any questions about any of them, reply to this email or post in the comments on the video.


This Is The Perfect Food to Stock Up on During Quarantine (in stock, ships to your door)

Please see the message below from my friends at BioTrust.  They have very important time-sensitive information to share with you today.

This is about protein...and getting enough quality protein to support not just your muscles but your immune system as well.

Study after study confirms the negative effects of a low-protein or low-quality protein diet on immune system function. You can live on oatmeal, rice and beans, but your immune system won't functional optimally.

As I've mentioned many times in the past few weeks, supplements are no cure or preventative... however, what they CAN do is help your immune system stay strong and fight.

I've stocked up on plenty of supplemental protein myself...and Biotrust is one of my favorite protein brands. It's very high quality and is manufactured to maintain the integrity of the immunoglobulins that are naturally found in whey protein (which help support the immune system, hence the name).

Personally, my favorite flavor of theirs is orginal chocolate...



Thousands of events have been canceled; schools, restaurants, bars, and clubs have been closed; and transit systems are at a standstill. Borders have been closed down. And that doesn't even touch the state of grocery stores nationwide... shelves are empty, lines are out the doors with hours of waiting just to get INTO the store, and the little they do have is being rationed. Meat and quality protein sources? Almost non-existent.

When a nation-wide lockdown for the majority of states is put in place, and it's all but guaranteed at this point, things will only become more challenging.

At BioTrust, we are stepping up and doing all we can to support our millions of customers and 100+ employees to ensure you aren't left hanging out to dry during these critical times.  As part of this, we went to great lengths to secure a fresh and pure shipment of our immune-supporting protein BioTrust Low Carb, which we truly believe is the perfect food to stock up on right now for so many reasons:

1. To help as many people as we can, we are making it available at our lowest price, up to 51% OFF until we sell out

2. It has a 2-year shelf life

3. It's the perfect, most convenient and nutritious meal replacement in the world -- just add water

4. It contains the perfect balance of carbs, healthy fats and nutrients to keep you healthy, including 24g of immunity-boosting protein to keep you strong and resilient

5. It's award winning taste (7 different dessert-like flavors) will actually have you looking forward to enjoying it regularly

6. It’s perfect for any age and for all family members young or old.

And the best part?  No spending hours in lines, no rationing... order as much as you want while we still have inventory, and get it shipped right to your door... all up to 51% off today.

In fact, BioTrust Low Carb is exactly what we ourselves are stocking up on for our families during the current crisis.  And because of that, we wanted to make sure we could get it into your hands without inconvenience or delay.

Beyond how timely this product is, it's important to know that BioTrust Low Carb is tested by 3rd party labs to ensure purity and is made only with natural ingredients with no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. It's non-GMO and gluten free. The proteins are certified hormone and antibiotic-free. It's a good source of fiber. And best of all, it's the very first protein to contain ProHydrolase, a specialized enzyme blend that has been shown through research to boost protein absorption 10-fold. That's 10 TIMES greater absorption compared to other proteins to best support your health.

Simply put, we designed BioTrust Low Carb to be the best protein product available anywhere, and we currently have secured enough inventory to get it into as many households as we can before we sell out and before manufacturers are forced to close just like so many other businesses.

Again, to do our part in helping our valued customers, we are making it available at our lowest price -- up to 51% OFF to all those who take advantage of this ASAP, first come, first served.  At the same time, given the demand, and the large discount, it's unlikely we will be able to serve everyone, so be sure to secure your supply at the link below before it's too late. This is NOT a marketing ploy; we truly want to get this in your hands, and we know this shipment is going to sell out so please do not wait.

==> Secure BioTrust Low Carb Up to 51% OFF While Supplies Last

At BioTrust, we are stepping up for our families and customers during this time, and rest assured we have your back.  Secure your supply of BioTrust Low Carb while we still have inventory here:

== > Save up to 51% on BioTrust Low Carb (first come, first served)

To your health & safety,




Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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