Subject: Jump on this fast...get FREE personal training from an expert trainer...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Got something VERY cool for you here...if you remember over the
past few days those fat-loss videos I've been recommending you to...

Well, now the program is available and you can get 2 FULL weeks
of FREE one-on-one online personal training to kick-off the new year.

It's as easy as clicking on the link below and signing up:


Celebrity trainer Kim Lyons (she was a past trainer on The
Biggest Loser) has put together one of the most comprehensive,
individualized online personal coaching programs I've seen (and I
used to do online personal training myself...I know it's not easy
to do it well!).

She and the trainers she works with are giving YOU the
opportunity to get your own online personal trainer for the first
two weeks of 2011.

What I like about this program is that it's NOT like the Biggest
Loser TV show...this is not all about ridiculously fast,
unhealthy weight loss for TV cameras and ratings. This about
changing yourself for the better...changing your habits, your
eating, your training...and your free personal trainer is going
to help you through it by giving you the support and the tools to
make it happen and make it STICK.

This offer is only available for the next few days, then it's
history, so definitely check this out asap:


Customized workouts, custom nutrition programs, your very own
personal coach, unlimited support, community, daily motivation
and accountability...the works.

Now obviously, two weeks isn't enough time to make permanent
changes to your body...if you want to continue beyond 2 weeks,
there will be a cost involved. But here's the thing...2 weeks IS
enough time to take total advantage of all they're offering while
it's free, even if you just go for 2 weeks then stop.

Take it for a test drive and squeeze all the info and help you
can out of your online personal trainer. GRAB this opportunity to
really make some significant changes to yourself and your life
and really get things moving in the right direction!

Get all the details here:



P.S. Kim's also going to motivate you by GIVING AWAY her Maserati
sports car and $10,000 to the person who makes the most

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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