Subject: Join me for a teleseminar with a bench press EXPERT...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

So as promised, I've hooked up a teleseminar tonight at 8 pm EST
with Mike Westerdal, creator of the Critical Bench 2.0 program!


We'll be going through a TON of great info directly relating to
bench press...proper form, fastest ways to increase it, things
most people are doing wrong that can directly impact bench
numbers...TONS of great stuff.

If you want a bigger bench, you HAVE to jump on this call (and
get your questions in at the link below!). I'll be posting a
recording, too, so don't worry if you can't make it live.


Title: Interview with Mike Westerdal - Critical Bench 2.0
Time: Wednesday, July 14th at 8:00pm Eastern
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast

To attend, visit:


Mike is my go-to guy when it comes to bench press info...I know
it's a bad joke, but he literally wrote the book on it... (sorry,
couldn't resist!).

This is going to be an information-packed call with a LOT of
valuable tips and tricks. Here's the link to Mike's book again,
if you want to check it out:


And don't forget, since this is a 10 year anniversary sale, the
current cheapo price won't last forever (till Friday night - he
MAY extend it but I wouldn't count on it). I'm also kicking in
two of my Best Exercises books (arms and chest) when you pick it up!


P.S. Be sure to pick up that excellent special report from Mike I
told you about yesterday called "7 Fastest Ways to Increase Your
Bench". You can grab that here, just right-click and choose "save
target as".

This is stuff you can put to work and see a difference immediately!


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