Subject: Interview replay and the answer on spot reduction...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Hey, just finished up with the interview with John Romaniello -
got the replay available here:

We covered a LOT of ground regarding his program and how it all
works. Really good info, especially on the hormonal aspect of
fat-loss training and how the interplay between training and
hormones really can make or break your fat loss.

During the interview, Roman gave some good clarification on the
whole "spot reduction" thing. And just for the record, he doesn't
claim this program results in spot reduction...far from it.

By addressing the hormonal CAUSES for fat accumulation in areas
such as the love handles (estrogen) and the stomach (cortisol),
he contends that you can at least take away the conditions that
KEEP the fat there, allowing your body to access it and burn it
(which makes a lot more sense from a physiological perspective).

So basically when you use his fat loss program, your body is
able liberate fat stores from those areas more easily - you're
not going to magically remove fat just from your belly, as the
term "spot reduction" implies.

Here's the link to the article he wrote on Lactic Acid Training
and targeted fat loss, if you missed it. It's a really good
explanation of how body chemistry causes hormonal changes that
can spur fat loss:

Some other key topics we talked about:

- how his program is similar to my own Metabolic Surge program
- what the hormone Leptin is and how it's critical for fat loss
(and why it makes it tougher to lose fat, the leaner you get).
- training strategies for maximizing testosterone, growth
hormone and improving insulin sensitivity
- supplement strategies for fat loss
- how this training program can be adapted for beginners

Bottom line, you KNOW why you want to lose fat, be it for
health, for looks (and that's a perfectly good reason!), or
whatever. This is a very effective program based on sound
training principles and good science.

Here's the link again to his book website:



P.S. I've also had a few questions from people asking me why I'm
talking about this program when I have my own fat loss program.
Very good question!

Even though I know my own program is excellent, I ALSO know that
my program isn't for everybody - the nutritional aspects of my
program are actually more strict than Roman's program (his
dietary recommendations call for only a moderate caloric deficit
without the varied nutritional strategies that I use in my
programs - so if you're looking for something along that line,
it's definitely a good option).

The key thing this is that I want to be sure and let you know
when other top quality programs are available so you don't waste
time on useless stuff, out there which there is a lot of... :)

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