Subject: Incredible deep core work...killer new KB Swing variation...

The Kettlebell Swing is a fantastic exercise for the posterior chain and the core.

The only downside to this exercise is that the loading is all forward and backward...there is no lateral component.

This variation is going to help you build a rock-solid core from ALL directions by adding lateral tension to ramp up the involvement of the deep muscles of the core as well as teaching your body how to adapt to uneven forces being placed on it during exertion, which is critical for athletic training and athletes in general.

All you need is a band and something solid to attach it to.

(If you don't have bands, you can get some from my recommended online band store here. Use coupon code "rbtfitstep" to get 10% off any band packages on that page.)

Start by hitching the band at about waist height. I'm using a medium green band for this. The reason I have two set up on my rack is that even though you really need only one, I didn't have room to swing the bell if I faced the other way.

Duck inside the loop then set it on your waist, just above the hips.

Take a step out to the side to get some tension on the band. You should feel it pulling you sideways. Your job is to do your best to resist this pull and keep your body position straight during the swing.

I'm using a KettleClamp and a heavy dumbbell for this, not a kettlebell, FYI, but the movement and concept is exactly the same regardless of the equipment being used.

You'll notice at the bottom that I do have a bit of a weight shift away from the stretch of the band. This is necessary.

Now swing up. You will need to be exerting constant tension through the near-side leg to keep your body and the swing relatively straight. You'll also notice at the top that the weight is shifted a bit off center. This is necessary as well, in order to maintain balance.

Perform your swings as you normally would, adjusting your muscle effort and body position to keep your body in good position during the movement.

Rep range will depend on how much weight you're could be low reps or high reps.

When you finish facing one way, you can either go directly to facing the other way and try and match the reps or take a rest then do the next set facing the other way. Either method is fine.

Bottom line, adding lateral band tension to the swing is going to help you work those deep core muscles (the obliques and transverse abdominis) very strongly while teaching your body how to deal with lateral forces during a power-based movement.

It's fantastic training for athletes.

You can watch the full video of this exercise here.

Or click here to start from the exercise demo.


Want More Killer Core Training Like This?

I've got six more exercises for you to try out here...


Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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