Subject: In a "food rut?" Try these delicious muscle-building recipes...

If you're stuck in a food rut, eating the same things over and over again because that's all you know how to make...'s time for a change.

This book is called Anabolic Cooking and it's packed with delicous, easy-to-make muscle-building recipes that will get you out of your food rut FAST.

And the best part is, you don't have to be a master just have to be able to follow simple directions.

If you have questions about it, here are the answers (from the author of the book).


Anabolic Cooking is a series of cookbooks that have been designed specifically with maximum muscle gain in mind and rather than using tasteless boring foods that leave you don’t want to eat, we’re using delicious muscle building foods that supercharge your anabolic rate so that muscle gain progresses along much more quickly.

Most bodybuilders, fitness models or people who just want to put on muscle to look and feel better in their bodies usually end up eating chicken and rice over and over again which is extremely difficult and normally ends in quitting because it’s too hard.

Our recipes are delicious and enjoyable which means you don’t end up trying to choke down calories just to see some new muscle mass Eating high calories foods that build muscle (and fat) is easy but it’s the wrong way!

You end up with more fat and you don’t look better. Eating delicious foods that provide the nutrients you need IS the answer and that’s what you get in Anabolic Cooking.


You better believe it! So many people who workout and try to build muscle end up falling short because of their nutrition. If you don’t take your nutrition seriously, you won’t see results. Gaining muscle and getting stronger comes down to getting the right nutrients, calories and making sure your bodies is primed for growth.

Each of my recipes was designed to support muscle growth, muscle repair and recovery. And they taste amazing just to top it all off.

By enjoying the meals you eat, you will start to eat more and I promise if you support yourself with the right nutrition, you will see gains in strength in the gym.

These recipes are also designed so that you don’t feel bloated or feel so full that you can’t continue to eat the calories you need for building muscle. They are gentle on the stomach and made to support your gains.

Your metabolism will be hungry for more and go ahead and feed it because the recipes are made with foods that you should be eating.


We understand that some of you may have limited access to certain foods based on where you live but I can assure you that each of the recipes uses commonly found foods that anyone should be able to find at their supermarket.

Everything is customizable as well so if you do want to try organic spices or gluten free versions of ingredients, be my guest! But the base ingredients work great by themselves and don’t require any changes to them.


Like you, I was busy and I knew that we definitely could not spend hour after hour cooking with such a busy schedule. I also realize that you are probably in the exact same position.

Life’s busy and you need recipes that can be ready in minutes. So, I’ve taken that into serious account when designing these.

When using these cookbooks, you won’t feel like you’ve just taken a part-time job as a chef in your very own kitchen but rather, you’ll be in and out in minutes and have a delicious fat burning meal in front of you.

Plus, I’ll also share some top secret tips for making the cooking and preparing process even faster so for those who are really short on time, you can still stick with your fat burning diet plan.

5. I don't know how to cook, is Anabolic Cooking still for me?

Guess what? Most of the people I know are in the same position. Many people don’t know the first thing about cooking (apart from how to press ‘Start’ on the microwave) but that’s fine because Anabolic Cooking is going to guide you.

Don’t let that make you think you’re going to be learning many intricate cooking strategies though. If you want that, you better check out your community college nearby for cooking courses they offer.

Instead, I’ll go over some simple and fast cooking techniques that deliver high taste and good nutrition. I also include step-by-step directions so it’s so incredibly easy to prepare our recipes, even a five year old could. They are practically ‘screw-up’ proof. It’s one of the most frequent comments I get back from my clients and readers – they can’t believe just how easy it was to prepare the meals.


You bet! I love our ‘wiser’ clients because they often see great results and appreciate it the most out of anyone. Once you start realizing the health benefits these foods provide, you’re not only going to look better, but you’re really going to feel better each and every day.

You’ll have more energy, you’re skin will look healthier, and you’ll have a renewed sense of self-confidence.

If you’re over 50 your metabolism may have already started to decline, as it often does with age and muscle mass loss, so with these recipes, you have absolutely nothing to lose and literally everything to gain. If anyone could benefit from these recipes, it would be you!


Regardless of your age, your gender, or your eating background, Anabolic Cooking can help you. Building muscle occurs very similar in everyone – while males and females will have slightly different processes in the body due to hormonal environments, building muscle requires the same thing: you need to expend more calories than you consume.

Our recipes take care of both sides of the equation because they not only taste great which will help you stay consistent in eating the foods you need to be eating but it also increases anabolic hormones in your body causing you to gain lean muscle when grouped with a solid training plan.

With both sides of the equation in place, it’s like you’re getting double the rate of gains and muscle recovery.


Bottom line, you know that most recipe books are NOT written with building muscle in mind. It's just not even on the radar.

That's what I like about these recipes...they're designed specifically with the twin purpose of building muscle and burning fat in mind.

If you want to know how to REALLY cook to build muscle, this is exactly what you need.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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