Subject: If you can do ONE rep of this push-up variation, you have my respect...

Because yeah, it's that hard...

When you get stronger with push-ups, there comes a point where you'll no longer have enough resistance to really build strength in the chest effectively.

That's where THIS variation of the push-up comes into play.

It's a bodyweight-only exercise that dramatically ramps up the demands on the chest....and all you need is a floor and a wall to do it.

To perform this one, you will need a good base level of strength in the push-up'll need to be able to perform at least 20 to 30 or more push-ups before this one becomes practical for you.

To give you an idea, I can do more than 50 push-ups and the first time I tried this variation, I got 4 reps with it...

So yeah, it's challenging! If you can get a single good rep, you can consider yourself strong.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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