Subject: Hyperplasia...(creating new muscle fibers)...possible?

I think so...

In fact, I've designed several training protocols for the express for purpose of achieving hyperplasia...all of them extremely painful ;).

Basically, hyperplasia requires an intense stretch under load for an extended period of time and for high frequency.

And yes, it is as fun as it sounds... (only if you're nuts like me, of course).

To go into this more, I've got an interesting article here for you from IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Ben Pakulsi regarding the mechanisms behind hyperplasia and how it can potentially be acheived in humans.

Good reading...check it out here and see what you think.

And if you're interested in reading about one of MY hyperplasia protocols, have a read through this article:

Can Muscle Fiber Hyperplasia Be Achieved In Humans? This Technique May Be The Answer...


Also, just so you know, TODAY is the last chance you'll be able to pick up Ben's "MI-40 Extreme" mass-building program on sale for $200 off the regular price.

This is an excellent program that makes use of hyperplasia-targeted training to help you blow through genetic "limitations"...this is science-based stuff and very effective.

Check it out here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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