Subject: How to maintain strength while losing fat...(my favorite method)

This is a really cool technique...I call it Single Rep Antagonistic Time-Volume Training.

You lose fat by performing a lot of training keep strength by using relatively heavy weights for sets of one rep.

It's really the most elegant solution I've ever found for maintaining high strength levels while burning fat.

The technique is very simple and extremely effective...and you can get the full rundown on it here.


The Answer to the #1 Fat Loss Question I Get...

One of the most common questions I get asked goes something like this..."I have a wedding/vacation/other event coming up in a couple of weeks and I need to lose a lot of weight fast. What's the best way to do it?"

My usual answer is "Start 3 months ago".

Of course, that answer is usually met with silence... ;)

The NEXT answer I give them is a bit more helpful...

The past few days, I've mentioned a program from my friends and colleagues Shaun Hadsall and Dan Long called the "Xtreme Fat Loss Diet"

The program is a very strategic approach to losing fat as fast as possible. If you have a lot of fat to lose in a very short time (and you're willing to put in the discipline and work), this framework is exactly what you need to get it done.

Learn this killer rapid-fat loss strategy here..

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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