Subject: How to improve your bench press using a rolled-up towel...

From: Nick Nilsson
Author of BetterU News

This is a quick tip that can help you get more out of every
barbell bench press you do! In order to maximize chest
involvement, you need to get your shoulders back - that can be
tough to remember to do when you're on a flat bench AND when
you're doing moderately heavy weight for more than a rep or two,
your torso will tend to get flattened out as the weight bears
down on you.

This tip is going to help teach you proper shoulder/body

So roll up a towel and lay it on the bench lengthwise, where
your upper back is going to lay down.

When you lay down, the rolled-up towel will be right between
your shoulders blades. Your shoulders will be forced back on
their own accord. It's a great massage for your spinal cord too!

Try this with light weight first, as there is some balance
required. But it's a simple solution to teach you how to get your
shoulders back when doing a bench press, which is critical to
really activating the pecs in the exercise.

Then the next time, when you do the exercise without the towel,
you'll know how it FEELS to have your shoulders in the proper
"back" position.

Got pictures and a video of it here:



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